Copyrights Agreement

When an article is accepted for publication the author will be required to transfer exclusive copyright to the JPAFP and retain the rights to use and share their published article with others. However, re-submission of the full article or any part for publication by a third party would require prior permission of JPAFP

Online publication will allow the author to retain the copyright and share the article under the agreement described in the licensing rights with Creative Commons, with appropriate attribution to JPAFP. Creative Commons attribution license CC BY 4.0 is applied to articles published in JPAFP.

Or, in certain cases it can be stated that all articles and content there in are published under creative commons license unless stated otherwise.

In case the manuscript is rejected, the copyright transfers back to the authors.

As the authors transfer the copyright of the article to JPAFP on submission, so an article already published on a pre-print website would not be acceptable to JPAFP.